Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

What to Do When You Don’t Know Where to Begin

We may have the best of intentions and often think to ourselves, “I’ll organize tomorrow; I’ll go through that stuff next week.” But so many of us out there have reached a point where “tomorrow” and “next week” have turned into

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Benefits of Downsizing for Seniors

Retirement looks a bit different for everyone. Some may choose to buy an extravagant home or a beach house. But more and more, seniors are discovering and taking advantage of the benefits of downsizing.

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Do You Need a Daily Money Manager?

One of the most common greetings is, “Hi, how are you?” More and more, the answer to that question for many people is simply, “busy”. It doesn’t really seem to matter what time of year it is, or even what phase of life one is in.

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

What Are the Biggest Misconceptions About Organizers?

If you’re one of the many who doesn’t find it easy to get and stay organized on your own, you may be thinking about hiring a professional organizer. You might also find that some of the things you currently believe about …

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

National Preparedness Month – Are You Ready?

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? It may be closer to the end of the year than the beginning, but it’s never too late to prepare for all of the kinds of things life tends to throw our way.

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Finding Balance While Navigating Divorce

If you find yourself going through a divorce as a man, you’re not alone. There are over 11 and a half million divorced men in America. Of course, statistics don’t make the process any easier. Fortunately, there’s another very….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

How to Keep Your Car Organized & Clutter-Free

Summer often brings many schedule changes and events, particularly if you have children. A calendar filled with pool parties, 4th of July, summer camps, vacations, and more can leave our vehicles looking like disaster zones.

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Take a Vacation that Actually Feels Like a Vacation

Happy June, happy campers! It just so happens that June is National Camping Month. That perfect time of year to get out and enjoy nature to the fullest. While we may have had a rather strange winter, there’s no denying….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Is Your Closet Ready for Warmer Weather?

Ahh, spring! Ok, technically spring started in March, but now we’re really feeling it. Flowers are blooming, the rainy season is over… and taxes are done! It’s time to relax into the beauty of longer days and….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Simple Tips to Get Your Finances in Order

It’s April! Flowers sprouting, birds singing, and… taxes. Typically a dreaded affair, this is frequently when we discover exactly where we may be lacking in personal and financial organization….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Making Room for Life

Spring is just around the corner. The time of year known for cleaning things out, selling your home, or making a fresh start. Whether you’re ready for a big change or just some spring cleaning, we’ve got some tips to make life a little

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

For the Love of Pets

Can you believe it’s February already? Time seems to fly faster and faster these days, and yet our “to do” lists aren’t getting any shorter. As we rush through the activities of each day and focus on what must get done,….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

The Secret to Successful New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! We hope you had a beautiful holiday season with loved ones. Now that January is here, it’s time for… you guessed it: New Year’s resolutions. For so many people, just that phrase alone is enough….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Staying Sane Through the Holidays

Can you believe it’s December already? This tends to be a very busy time of year – with holidays, family gatherings, parties, and more as we approach the New Year. While these events are certainly meant to be joyful….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

A Month of Giving Thanks

Gratitude has been scientifically proven to have several health benefits. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can improve sleep and immunity, increase energy levels and self-esteem, and make us kinder and….

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Michele Morgan Michele Morgan

Tips for Storing Seasonal Items

The leaves are turning beautiful colors, the sweltering heat of summer is officially over, and pumpkin-spice-everything is everywhere. It must be October! While holidays are sprinkled throughout the year,….

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